Sr. No.TitleInformation
1Name of the school with address: (strictly as per Affiliation sanction letter or as permitted by the Board) with in Code no.Bharati Vidyapeeth English Medium School (CBSE)
Sector-3, CBD, Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614. Maharastra
ii. Ph. No.022-27572965
ii. Fax. No.022-27572965
2Year of establishment of school 1983
3Whether NOC from State/UT or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained?Yes, NOC from Maharastra Governemnt
i. NOC No.NOC 2007/(17/8/07)SE-1
ii. NOC issuing date31/1/2008
4Is the school a reconized, if yes by which AuthorityCBSE
5Status of Affiliation: 
i. Affiliation No.CBSE/Aff/1130237
ii. Affiliation with the Board sinceMarch 2010
iii. Extention of affiliation up toMarch 2020
6Name of Trust/Society/Company Registered under section 25 of the company Act, 1956.Period up to which Registration of trust/Society is vallid.Bharati Vidyapeeth,
Bharati Vidyapeeth Bhavan
13, Sadashiv Peth, L.B.S. Marg,
Pune 30
7List of members of School Managing Comitee with their Address/Tennure and Post heldSeparate table
School Committee (Click Here)
8Name of official address of the Manager/president/Chairman CorrespondingBharati Vidyapeeth Residential office
“Sinhgad”, Opp. BMC College, Shivaji nagar Pune 411 005
9Area of school Campus 
i. In Acers4.2 acers
ii. In sq.Mtrs.16942.375 sq. m
iii. Built up area ( sq. mtrs)3237.48 sq.m
iv. Area of playground in sq.mts.1875 sq. mts
v. Other facilities 
         a. Swimming PoolNo
         b. Indoor gamesYes
         c. Dance RoomsNo
         d. GymnasiumlNo
         e. Music roomsNo
          f. HostelsNo
           g. Health and Medical Check upNo
10Fees StructureFees Structure
11Transport Facility 
 i. Own Buses 
ii. Buses hired on contract basisYes
iii. Details of transport charges 
12Particulars of teaching staff
 (to be updated time to time)
Separate table of Teaching Staff (Click Here)
13Details of salary being paid by the school in teaching staff/non teaching staff ( to be updated time to time) 
Mode of payment of salary 
i. Name of the Bank through which salary is drawingBharati Sahakari Bank Ltd, Pune
ii. Through single cheque transfer adviceYes
iii. Individual chequeNo
Iv. CashNo
15Library facilities 
i. Size of the Library in Sq. feet25 x 22 feet
ii. No.of Periodicals10
iii. No of Dailies7
iv. No. of Reference booksCategory
 Non – fiction
 Teacher Resources
 Audio/Video Aids
v. Others 
16Name of the Grievance/ Redressal Officer with E-mail Ph.No. Fax No. 
17Members of Sexual Harassment Committeee 
18Class wise enrolment of school for the current sessionSeparate table of No of Students (Click Here)
19Academic session periodFrom April 5th 2017 to March  15th 2018
20Vacation period                                                                      From       
Summer VacationAs per Calender
Diwali VacationAs per Calender
21Admission periodFrom December 2017 to January 2018
For Class XI – May to June